External Reviewers

The Past Tense Editorial Board relies on external reviewers for our anonymous peer review process. The ideal candidate is an ABD graduate student in a History PhD program (or closely related field) who has reached candidate status and has both thematic and geographic expertise. External reviewers evaluate research article submissions with respect to their originality, argumentation, style, and historiographical rigour. The feedback we receive from reviewers is instrumental in determining the acceptance of articles for publication.

The majority of external review work for the 2022 issue will take place in February and March. The editors assign articles they determine are within a reviewer’s range of expertise, and the number of articles reviewed each issue cycle will vary based on submissions. We typically will not assign reviewers more than three articles per cycle.

If you are interested in applying, please complete the form available at https://forms.gle/mi6W2KWDs1HebBTN7.

We aim to confirm the result of your application within two weeks of receipt.